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What is mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy?
Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy (mhbot) is the use of mild pressure, along with 100% oxygen, to provide the body with a superabundance of oxygen.
Why Mild hbot?
The benefits of using mhbot include minimizing the risks associated with higher hyperbaric chamber pressures to avoid oxygen poisoning and minimizing the possible damage to ears and eyes.
What pressure do we use?
We use up to 1.5 atmospheres, depending on your individual needs.
How is oxygen delivered?
We deliver 100% oxygen through a sterile non-rebreather mask or sterile nose cannula.
Who can benefit from mhbot?
Mhbot is beneficial for many conditions including:
Brain injury (TBI), migraine headaches, PTSD, brain fog, dementia (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s), stroke, wound care, neuropathy, poor circulation, faster healing from injuries to tissue, nerves and bones, anti-aging, health and beauty. In short, one can google any condition along with “hyperbaric oxygen” and read studies discussing the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
What is unique about the Regina Caeli Hyperbaric Wellness Center?
Comfort - We have the largest hyperbaric oxygen chamber in the world. Why is this important? Single hyperbaric units are small tubes in which the person must lay down in a very confined space during treatment. However, with our chamber a person can exercise, work out on an exercise machine, or simply relax in a zero gravity chair while receiving treatment, avoiding the claustrophobia.
Studies show that hyperbaric oxygen:
Induces cerebral angiogenesis (formation of small blood vessels in the brain) in persons with brain impairments due to traumatic brain injuries such as concussions, even though the person may have been impaired for years.
The generation of new micro vessels enhances the production of new nerve cells (neurogenesis) and synapses (synaptogenesis). A synapse is a small gap between two nerve cells where impulses are passed between nerve cells by way of neurotransmitters.
Promotes the production of stem cells.
Promotes collagen production necessary for tissue healing.
“By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren… let us not love in word or speech but in deed and in truth.”
— 1 John 16-18